Episode EIGHTEEN // August 8, 2022


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The GCC 950 at Acino Pharma AG in Switzerland: a containment-capable tablet coater

For this blog video, Michael Maintok visited Acino Pharma AG in Liesberg, Switzerland, and spoke to Dr. Andre Ridder, Site Manager Switzerland, Monika Matucza, Head of Production, and Bartlomiej Sedek, Head of Process Engineering, about this very fast-moving project. Less than one year passed from signing the contract to the start of production. Dr. Andre Ridder, Monika Matucza and Bartlomiej Sedek provide insights into the reasons behind their decision to use a Glatt GCC and the challenges they faced in such a fast-paced project.

If you have any remaining questions on this or one of the previous topics, please send an email to focussing.containment@glatt.com.

Stay tuned, the next episode will be released soon.